Theme Sections

There are 3 options for our sections. White, Grey and Parallax Sections

class for sections are:

.content who use for padding top and bottom 45px white section

.content-2 who use for padding top and bottom 100px

.section-grey for grey section

.section-parallax .parallaxBg for parallax section

If you have more than one parallax section you can use .parallaxBg-2, .parallaxBg-3, .parallaxBg-4, .parallaxBg-4, .parallaxBg-5, .parallaxBg-6, .parallaxBg-7

Section white

Section white is default not need any special class this example is for white section:

<section class="content">
  <div class="container">
    <!-- content here -->
Section Grey

For section grey add class .section-grey

<section class="content section-grey">
  <div class="container">
    <!-- content here -->
Section Parallax

Parallax section classes:

.section-parallax parallaxBg for parallax.

.layer for layer over image background with opacity: 0.7

.parallax-content this class use to make color white.

<section class="content section-parallax parallaxBg" style="background-image: url(img/image-background.jpg); ">
  <div class="layer"></div>
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row parallax-content">
      <!-- content here -->